This prime time ITV documentary series explores life behind the scenes at the UK’s biggest and busiest airport. Filmed intensely over four months, the series follows Heathrow’s army of 76,000 staff – from baggage handlers to air traffic controllers – as they attempt to safely process 200,000 passengers every single day, and race to get thousands of planes away on time.
I shot actuality for broadcast, cast and boomed day in and day out in fast changing, tense environments. Kept through the edit where I was responsible for a high volumme of heavy compliance. TX’ed to an audience of 3.7 million.
Researcher: Alana Moreno | Assistant Producer: Sophie Donovan | DV Director: Johnny Ashton | Producer/Director: Miles Blayden-Ryall | Production Coordinator: Louisa Hatfield | Production Manager: Sophie Gratton | Series Director: Anna Llewellyn | Series Producer: Tom Swingler | Executive Producer: Tim Wardle | Commissioner: Gian Quaglieni